School Team

The teachers and staff at Madison Academy are dedicated to enriching the mind, body, and spirit of every child with principles of excellence and self-worth. Madison students learn the art of success every day.

Click here to contact any member of the Madison Team.

School Calendar

Madison provides a wide variety of student activities, from sporting events, to music and performing arts. Want to find out when the next report card comes out or when the next day off is? You'll find that here too!

Click here to view our full School Calendar.

School Calendar Printable Copy



Join the Eagles! We are proud to say that our students are COLLEGE BOUND. When compared to our neighboring schools, more of our graduates go to college and stay in college, which means the possibilities are endless!

Click here to find out more.

Click here to enroll now 9-12

Click here for a list of HS Courses


Why Choose Madison Academy?

At Madison Academy, we believe that EVERY child is a success story. At Madison, students are treated as unique individuals. Our beautiful campus provides a setting where students can grow academically and socially. Madison Academy has high academic standards and a positive climate and culture. Our staff members are supportive and caring and treat students and parents  as part of the "Family" at Madison Academy.